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4 Reasons That You're Not Getting The Level Of Customer Conversions You Want

Are your level of customer conversions significantly lower than you might expect? If so, then you need to think about changing the game here. If you make the right decisions, then you can strengthen the position of your business on the market. Here are the key recommendations that we suggest you do explore. 


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Technical Issues

It’s possible that there are technical issues with your website. Tech issues are going to make your business look poorly managed and low funded. This will lead to the impression that you can’t deliver the high quality service that customers and business clients are hoping for. Technical issues with your website could include pages that are slow to load or trouble with the site structure. The structure of your website should follow the three click rule. This means that customers should be able to find what they are looking for on your site in more than three clicks. This might require a full overhaul of the site design. 


The Wrong Audience


It’s possible that the reason why you’re struggling to see the level of conversions is that you are not targeting the right audience. You could be unintentionally targeting people who are never going to be interested in buying from your business on the market. If you are worried about this, then you should think about using more specific forms of marketing, such as direct mail marketing. With this option, you can appeal to directly to a list of potential customers that you have data on which shows they would be interested in your services. 


 Bad Buzz

According to the latest research, more than 80% of customers will check reviews for a product or service before they commit to a purchase online. That’s why you should make sure that you are checking for any negative reviews that might be connected to your company. Do bare in mind, that this could be due to a negative SEO attack. This can be difficult to recover from and you will usually need the support from marketing experts to help ensure that you can navigate this issue. 


They Don’t Know The Next Step


Finally, it’s always crucial that you are leading customers and B2B clients where you want them to go. They should always be aware of the next step that they need to take to continue traveling along the marketing funnel. This could mean a CTA online or a contact opportunity in person. You need to make sure that you are leading your customers and that your sales team are handling this the right way. If there are issues here, then you might need to consider investing in a little extra training. 


We hope this helps you understand some of the key reasons why you might not be seeing the high number of customer conversions that you hoped for. If there is an issue here, then it’s important to correct it as quickly as possible. It could be stunting your potential on the market and causing you to lose out on a lot of sales.