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Making Money Selling Home Made Vitamins

Many people are working from home these days, and for many of them, this means that they have the opportunity to sell homemade vitamins. If you're thinking about starting your own business or supplementing your income with a side hustle, then it's essential to know how to make money selling homemade vitamins. In this blog post, we'll be going over what products can be sold and where to find wholesale ingredients.

Via Pexels


Make Some Extra Money

Selling homemade vitamins is a great way to make some extra money on the side. While there are plenty of ways to do this, it's vital that you properly market your products and have an effective sales pitch for anyone who might be interested in buying from you. To get started with selling homemade vitamins, follow the directions below.


Be Healthy

Vitamins are an excellent way to ensure that you're doing everything in your power to be healthy. Unfortunately, it can often feel like the cost of taking vitamins is too high for most people. Fortunately, there's a great alternative source with homemade vitamins! They taste the same as store-bought ones, and they'll help you feel better.



First, you'll need to find a recipe for your homemade vitamins. The internet is full of them! If you don't like the ones online, it's okay - experiment with different recipes until you create one that works perfectly for what you're looking for in terms of taste and nutritional benefits. Once you've found the perfect recipe, you'll need to get the ingredients for it. You don't have to buy all of them from the same place - make sure that each component has the correct information about the nutritional value and dosage on the packaging so that your vitamins can be accurate when they're finished!


Necessary tools & equipment

The capsule filler machine is an essential tool for the job. This device will ensure that the vitamins are packed into capsules quickly and securely, which means you can make the most of your day.

The next piece of equipment to invest in is a high-quality weighing scale with an accuracy between 0.01g and 0.001g. You will need the scale to measure the ingredients as precisely as possible, and the level of precision is essential for ensuring that your products are safe and effective.

A third item worth investing in is a pill press which can be used to make tablets instead of capsules if you prefer. Just like the capsule filling machine, the quality should not be compromised when buying the pill press.

A separate set of measuring spoons and cups will also come in handy, as well as a glass jar for holding the finished product before it is packaged. Recyclable bottles can be used to store the vitamins once they are ready for sale.


Packaging and Labeling

You want people to buy your vitamins and feel excited about them! As with any product you are selling, it is vital to ensure that they come in an excellent package. The ingredients should all be listed on the label, and if there is a dosage amount, that should be clearly stated. It also needs to be labeled clearly so there can be no confusion about what type of pill or vitamin each bottle contains.

Additional images to help explain the topic further could be used here as well! One example would be an image with multiple types of vitamins in one bottle, showing how the label would look for each different type.


If you want to make money selling homemade vitamins, it is something that can be done. All you need are the right ingredients and a few simple steps to mix them up, so they're ready for consumption. There will always be people looking for natural remedies and healthy alternatives when taking care of their bodies and their health.