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Business Networking Tip - Stop Being Lazy

Kevin Willett says there is no way you can’t find five minutes a day to grow your business

Lately I have been lazy about doing Facebook Live and uploading videos to LinkedIn. I tried to tell myself that it was ok because I have been busy with some new projects. Of course, it’s not ok, because it only takes 5 minutes to do a Facebook Live video. I don’t have five minutes? I was talking to a friend last week and she told me that she wishes she could upload videos every day, but she works a full-time job. When I suggested that she record the videos during her lunch break, she said the she couldn’t because she spends that time watching videos on her phone to catch up on her shows. After she thought about that statement, she laughed and said, “Ok Kevin you made your point”. I hope you think about this next time you try to lie to yourself and say that you are too busy to grow your business.

Watch my YouTube Channel  for more on this and other Business Networking Tips

Kevin Willett is the Author of One Connection How you can grow your business  (and change the world) one connection at a time. The business networking book is available on Amazon. Purchase One Connection on Amazon

Kevin is also the CEO of the Friends of Kevin Networking Group  and the New England B2B Networking Group. Please connect with him on social media to hear about his upcoming business networking events