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The Digital Edge: Level Up Your Social Branding


Level up your digital brand with professional headshots and a social media audit with a local experts on Tuesday, March 19 · 10am - 2pm EDT at FLEXHUB 383 Central Avenue Dover, NH 03820


Looking to level up (or create) your social media brand?

Whether you’re a bookkeeper who loves her cats, or an executive professional who prefers polos to a suit and tie, showing up in a relatable, professional manner can fuel better digital connections with potential clients.

Free Image Strategy Session With Prospect Street Studio


Image Strategy Session: 

Personalized 1 hour deep dive review of your company's visual content on websites & social media. Learn how to maximize consumer impact through your imagery and take your brand to the next level.

What we cover:

In your session we look at what has & hasn't worked for you thus far, what your goals are, and provide actionable steps to improve your imagery going forward. 

Boosting Your Business After Lock Down

Nobody saw the covid-19 outbreak coming, and how it would badly affect the end only and many businesses today. You yourself may have found that your business was under threat when things started to go wrong, and lockdown began. However, like so many, you may have changed how your business operated, and you may have diversified your business methods. But now things are easing, what can you do to build upon it and boost your business?