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Business Networking Tip - Asking For Referrals (2)

Asking for referrals is something that I am horrible with. I rarely ever ask anyone to refer me. Often people will attend events and tell me how much they enjoyed the event and the format. Now, I know I should say thank you and ask them to tell their friends about me, but I usually just smile and say thank you for the kind words. I am just too cautious and I do not want to make people feel uncomfortable.

If you simply say ‘if you like the service I provided, can you please tell your friends?’ this is keeping things super casual and most people will tell you that of course they will spread the word.

Business Networking Tip - The Difference Between No Problem and You’re Welcome

Last week I posted a video reminding people to say please and thank you. I had someone post a comment saying please remember there is a difference between you’re welcome and no problem. When I first saw this comment, I thought “it is just semantics” it’s no big deal. But after I thought about it for a bit, I realized that there is a big difference between the two.

Business Networking Tip - Did You Really Want to Meet Me?

Kevin Willett says that when you have an opportunity, you should take it.

I have been using a networking app that is very similar to a dating app to grow my network.  Every day the app shows me 20 people that I can network with. If we both say we want to meet, then the app sends us a message telling us that we are a match. I will then reach out to the person saying I would love to chat with them by phone to learn how I can help them. Sadly, many people never respond and simply let the opportunity to connect pass by, which defeats the purpose of using the app.

Business Networking Tip - Be Aware of Cool Kid Syndrome

Kevin Willett says it’s not cool to be disrespectful

Have you ever been at a networking event and the person you are talking to is scanning the room to see who else is there? Have you ever had someone interrupt you in the middle of your conversation to go speak to someone else? I call this Cool Kid Syndrome. Sometimes people will only speak to you until someone cooler comes along. Please don’t do this! It is very disrespectful and it will hurt your brand.  Nobody likes to fee disrespected or uncool.