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Is Your Corporate Investment Strategy Failing? Try This Instead

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Investing effectively as a business is always more challenging than many leaders expect. You think things are going to work out the first time around, but there are inevitably problems. 


That’s where this post can help. We outline some of the strategies you can use to pivot or change tack when things aren’t working for you. This way, you can enhance your approach, meet other people’s expectations, and really reinvent yourself and how you operate. 


Use ESG To Your Advantage


Given the current energy realities, the ESG bubble is popping. But that doesn’t mean that your company can’t still take advantage of the branding benefits it offers. ESG is a powerful tool for generating stable and steady returns, with evidence suggesting that companies using it can often enhance their success over and above those not using it. 


The main benefits, as you might expect, come from efficiency gains. Leveraging ESG often allows you to do more with less. However, you may also see improvements in organizational agility via improvements in governance. Getting rid of corruption and eliminating free-riding can enhance well-being across the firm and lead to even higher worker output. 


Go Beyond Traditional Assets


Another approach is to experiment with going beyond traditional assets. Most companies invest in standard stocks and equities, but you could look into other areas, including alternative property investments. These often represent untapped opportunities with higher returns, simply because the market isn’t aware of their existence. 


If you decide to invest in these lesser-known assets, consider allocating between 10 and 20% of your portfolio to them. Avoid the temptation to go beyond this as it could be high-risk. 


Use Tech Automation


You also want to use tech automation if your corporate investment strategy is failing. Applying the latest software and equipment to your production processes often allows you to do more with less. 


The quality of tech automations can vary substantially. Some are excellent and can double productivity while others can slow you down. That’s why it’s essential to get the balance right. If you can combine technology with highly skilled workers, you can often boost productivity by more than the sum of their parts. 


Work With Other Firms


It can also make sense to work with other firms in the form of strategic partnerships and collaborations. Direct investments in your own company aren’t always the best way to grow. 


The trick here is to find partners who understand your target market and company objectives. If you can tap into these, you can often get a massive leg up over the competition, bringing complementary strengths to the table. 


Prioritize Data Collection

Finally, it often pays to take a leaf out of the most successful companies’ book and focus on data collection. Of course, this approach requires massive investment and intervention on your part, but it can be highly effective. The more data you collect, the better you understand the people who buy from you, and the more you can sell to them. It’s a win-win that beats manual observation.