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FRANdata Blog: How to Recruit and Retain Workforces

One of FranNet’s most valuable partners is FRANdata, the franchising industry’s leading market researchers who offer intriguing insights and strategic business forecasts. One of…

Smart Strategies To Prevent Common Workplace Injuries 


In an ideal world, the workplace should be safe and injury-free, but that isn’t the case. Therefore, it is vital to implement measures to prevent injuries. A single workplace accident can impact your business, from lawsuits and paying massive medical bills to productivity dips and a reduction in morale. Even if you haven’t recorded any workplace injuries in your business, putting preventive measures in place will protect your business from future circumstances. On that note, here are some ways to…

No one ever said that starting and running a business was easy, and one of the many challenges you face is safeguarding your financial assets. Unfortunately, there are many threats to your finances, from cybercrime to embezzlement, and it's essential to take steps to protect yourself. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for safeguarding your financial assets in your business. So stay safe and keep those finances protected!

Getting into the restaurant business is no easy feat, which is why it’s important to consider a whole host of things before you dive head first into your new venture. It’s a stressful, busy and time-consuming line of work, so it’s best to stay fully informed. Whether you’re hoping to take your restaurant business to a new level, or you want to explore your options for the future, there is a lot of research to be done regarding this type of industry. Here are six important considerations to make before you start up your very own business in the restaurant industry.

If you want to try and grow your B2B business, then you have come to the right place. Here you can find out everything you need to know about expanding your company so you can make the right choices without any hassle or stress. If you want to find out more, then simply take a look below.

Set up Live Chat

This is a win-win situation for both you and your customers. It is also a great way for you to make sure that you are providing your customers with the kind of engagement they are looking for. You will be able to reduce the friction between the people who…

June 1, 2022




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34% of adults suffer from chronic pain. Being in pain can often negatively impact our ability to work by reducing concentration and making manual labor tasks difficult. As an employer, it’s important to look out for employees who may be in pain. Below are just a few ways to look out for your employees.

Give employees…

Photo by Chokniti Khongchum: 

If you’re familiar with the pharmaceutical industry, it typically ranks high among the top sectors in terms of revenue and growth. According to a recent report released by MarketResearch.com, the global pharmaceutical market is expected to grow by over 30 percent in the next five years, driven primarily by growth in emerging…

Photo from Pexels


Productivity is a key driver of business performance. You work hard to make your business successful, but sometimes it can feel like there are always more tasks and less time. Even the most productive companies have moments when they feel like they could be doing more. You might find it hard to juggle all the tasks you need to…

Photo from Pexels


Productivity is a key driver of business performance. You work hard to make your business successful, but sometimes it can feel like there are always more tasks and less time. Even the most productive companies have moments when they feel like they could be doing more. You might find it hard to juggle all the tasks you need to…