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5 Questions To Ask Before Automating That Staff Role

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For many businesses, automating their operations is a no-brainer exercise. After all, if a machine can adequately perform the task of a fully salaried employee, and to a more consistent standard, that calculation solves itself. Or so it seems. Of course, humans aren’t a tool to be used, but for people, with personalities, who can provide so much life and nuance to your business it’s a mistake to just handwave them away, even as AI tools become more and more effective.


If you’re considering automating that staff role, then it’s worth asking yourself a few questions to make sure you’re really pushing in the right direction. With that in mind, consider some of the following advice: 


What Will You Replace That Staff Member With?


You'll need to think about the specifics of the technology you're bringing in. Is it a physical robot? A software solution? An AI system? Each comes with its own set of challenges and considerations. For example, vetting the best self-service kiosk manufacturer will ensure that maintenance, quality of service and construction standard is assured. If you’re replacing a human, it’s important to make certain you trust the new function 100%.


Are There Any Skills Overlaps That Won’t Be Covered?


Consider what impact replacing a human can have, and prepare for it. Soft skills and additional contributions can be easily overlooked but are often genuinely core to the smooth running of a business. A machine might crunch numbers faster, but it might not help with that business event. Make sure you’re covered.


How Can You Introduce This To Your Customers?


Change can be unsettling, especially for loyal customers who've grown accustomed to dealing with certain staff members. If you're automating customer-facing roles, you'll need a solid plan for introducing these changes. Will there be a transition period? How will you handle customers who prefer human interaction? 


Will It Impact The Character Of Your Brand?


Automating certain roles could risk making your brand feel colder or more corporate. Yet from the opposite perspective, if done right, automation could free up your remaining staff to provide even better, more personalized service. It's a delicate balance to strike, and so understanding where the major impacts are can have a better effect.


Will Limiting Staff Levels Increase Work Volume & Strain?


It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that automating one role won't impact others, but it’s important to be realistic here. After all, your business is a larger machine with many moving parts, each one affecting the next, and changes in one area can have ripple effects throughout. Will your remaining staff end up picking up additional tasks that the automated system can't handle? If so, how will you spread that across the entire team in the best way? It’s not always clear, but understanding that can help you phase in the new standard appropriately.


With this advice, you’ll be certain to automate that staff role in the healthiest direction. It will also allow you to avoid cutting and chopping your way to a new standard, which only causes problems.