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Is Your Website Stuck In Neutral? Signs It's Not Helping You (And How To Fix It)

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Sometimes it can feel like your website is stuck in neutral. No matter how much you mash the proverbial accelerator, it doesn’t want to go anywhere. People aren’t interested in what you’re doing and you’re not making sales. It’s a disaster. 


Fortunately, there are ways you can fix most of the problems you’ll encounter. The trick is to know what they are and effective strategies that work. Here’s everything you need to know: 


Sign 1: Slow Loading Times


The first sign your website is in trouble is slow loading times. These suggest it has problems on the backend. 


Slow loading times aren’t just frustrating: they can also prevent you from making sales. Visitors click onto your site, discover it won’t load, and then click back to search results to find a competitor. 


You can fix this problem by upgrading your website hosting. The carrier should use servers and systems with enough capacity to meet your bandwidth and storage needs. 


Sign 2: Non-Mobile Friendly Site


Another reason your site might seem like it’s stuck in neutral is if it is non-mobile-friendly. Sites that don’t react to changes in the device you use aren’t going to perform well in today’s society where the majority of people connect to the internet via their smartphone. 


You can check whether your site is mobile-friendly using various tools online, including one run by Google. You can also get specialists to convert it to a mobile-friendly site for you. 


Sign 3: Lack Of Indexing


Lack of site indexing can be another sign your website is going nowhere fast. If Google can’t detect your pages, it can’t rank you at all, no matter how relevant or useful your site is. 


Lack of indexing is a significant problem but again, it is something you can fix easily. All you need to do is check your site’s index and then register it with Google if it isn’t there. 


Sign 4: No Content


Zero fresh or innovative content is another reason your site might not be doing well. While it might be snappy and attractive, it might not be providing users with any real value. They might not be getting anything from going to your site and interacting with your pages. 


You can fix this by adding more content over time. Including more blogs and videos (plus links to social media content), can do a great deal to improve your prospects and help draw people in. 


Sign 5: Low SEO


Next, your site might be struggling to get anywhere if it doesn’t have enough SEO. Search engines might be indexing it, but they could still be burying it under all the online junk pages out there if it doesn’t stand out to them and do the right things. 


Of course, improving SEO is a more challenging long-term process. It takes time to get it right. Even so, it is something that you can do in conjunction with an agency, particularly one that understands the technical aspects. 


Sign 6: Broken Features


Your site might also be suffering from broken features. Things might not work properly or give users the experience they want. 


For example, if images don’t load, it might not affect a visitor’s ability to buy from you, but they might still view it as unprofessional. Most people want to see a picture of a product before they purchase it, even if it makes no difference to the quality. 


Website forms that don’t work are another bugbear. These are frustrating for people who just want to get on and enjoy your site. It’s particularly bad form when they want to send you a customer service message and discover that they can’t because the technology doesn’t work. 


Again, you might need professional help to resolve many of these issues. While fixing broken links is relatively straightforward, anything that involves HTML or CSS code isn’t. 


Sign 7: Old Design


Finally, you don’t want your website to look like it is straight out of the 1990s. In 2024, it’s not a good look and immediately says to many leads that you’re defunct and unable to deliver. It doesn’t matter how much you love retro stuff, it’s not a good idea. 


If you like pixelated art, you can pull that off on some websites, but you need to be careful. A sidebar with tiny blue hyperlinks is a big no-no. 


Fortunately, you can revamp your site quickly and cheaply with modern tools, so use them. 

So, what are you waiting for? Fix your site today and watch your business flourish.