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Smart Strategies To Prevent Common Workplace Injuries

Smart Strategies To Prevent Common Workplace Injuries 


In an ideal world, the workplace should be safe and injury-free, but that isn’t the case. Therefore, it is vital to implement measures to prevent injuries. A single workplace accident can impact your business, from lawsuits and paying massive medical bills to productivity dips and a reduction in morale. Even if you haven’t recorded any workplace injuries in your business, putting preventive measures in place will protect your business from future circumstances. On that note, here are some ways to prevent workplace injuries and protect your business. 


  1. Incorporate a safety and wellness plan


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It’s essential to have effective accident prevention and wellness program to address every aspect of your business or working environment that may cause accidents. But beyond that, also focus on promoting employee mental health and wellness, as it can significantly impact how often your workers experience injuries at work. Several studies show that poor mental health increases workplace accidents. 


  1. Encourage spatial awareness


Find ways to encourage all your workers to be alert and aware of their surroundings while on the job. That means putting policies in place to reduce all forms of workplace distractions as much as possible. For example, workers operating factory machines should not be allowed to use their smartphones when on the job. Also, promote safety awareness with regular safety training and workshops. The goal should be to help your workers understand the potential hazards or risks inherent in their work environments. 


  1. Provide protective equipment


Depending on the industry, some tasks or projects are quite dangerous. Fortunately, you can reduce the risks of employee injuries when performing those jobs by providing them with the protective equipment they need. Workers exposed to various job hazards should receive all the protective gears they need. For example, workers or contractors handling window cleaning tasks on a high-rise building should be equipped with the latest fall protection equipment like industrial ropes. 


  1. Conduct regular inspections


Some work environments like shipping, construction, manufacturing, and repairs require the use of dangerous equipment, making workplace accidents almost inevitable. However, you can reduce the risk of injuries in such working environments by ensuring that there is regular inspection of tools, machinery, and other equipment. The aim is to ensure that every tool, from the basic to the more complex ones, is in perfect working condition, and any sign of damage must be fixed immediately. 


  1. Be aware of poor office ergonomics


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Various studies have shown a link between poor workspace ergonomics and many occupational injuries. Regardless of the workspace, whether it’s a construction site or a simple office, bad posture can cause serious problems resulting in various forms of musculoskeletal disorders. Endeavor to create a workspace that supports proper work posture and prevents any form of harm to the back, spine, etc. Additionally, be sure to train workers about the right techniques or body posture when handling certain tasks like lifting equipment. Workers that sit for long hours should also learn proper sitting posture while supporting them with ergonomically designed chairs and desks.