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Why Isn't your E-Commerce Business Taking Off?

Do you feel as though your eCommerce business is struggling? If so then now is the time for you to make a change. If you do not take action now, then you may find your sales end up declining even more and this is the last thing you need.  Ready to get started? Take a look below.


Lack of Traffic


You can’t make sales if you aren’t generating traffic. It’s not enough for you to set up your store and sit there while the sales roll in. You have to be proactive and you also need to create a buzz about your brand.  Social media platforms are very powerful and they are ideal if you want to reach your target audience. By putting out enticing and sharable content, that aligns with your current audience, you can be sure to get the best result here.



Source: Pexels (CC0 License)


Poor Social Advertising


Social media advertising gives you chance to target and reach your audience. You can do so with a very small budget too. If you are just getting started with social media ads then don’t worry, you can try Facebook ads first. This is a very easy way for you to engage with your customers at the right time of day, so you can increase the results you see from your efforts.


Not Working with Micro-Influencers


Consumers tend to trust real people, so you should let them spread the word about your business. Start by collaborating with people who are seen as trustworthy and make sure that they align with your target audience. If you can do this then there is no reason at all why you shouldn’t be able to see a huge increase in your sales.


Your Market is Too Broad


Another major mistake you could be making is if your market is too broad. If you have built your business and think that anyone is a customer for you then this is a huge mistake. If you want your company to grow then you need to put in the work to break down your market. You need to segment your audience and you also need to learn how to differentiate your store from others. Find ways to stand out, such as by offering free delivery within 24 hours. If you can’t do this because you do not have the facilities to sustain it, then explore a narrow belt sorter, or drop shipping so you can provide a faster fulfilment service.


Your Website Design could be Better


In the world of online business, it’s safe to say that it’s all about appearance. You have to make your store look as professional as possible and this means creating compelling copy with quality visuals and intuitive navigation. If you have a poor site design then this will be deterring customers and it is a major mistake that a lot of entrepreneurs make. If you want to avoid this then be sure to hire someone who knows what they are doing, and go through a professional who is experienced in eCommerce site design too. If you don’t then this could make it harder for you to achieve success.