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Epic Tips to Make Your Business More Efficient

As a modern business owner, there are so many things you need to account for and keep in mind. It is important to make sure you work on doing as much as possible to focus on making your business better and bringing it out of lockdown, and boosting efficiency is one of the best ways of doing this. Now, the good news for you is that there are so many wonderful ways of being able to make your business more efficient this year.  


Bringing Your Business Out Of Lockdown: How You Can Do It Well

Now that a lot of the restrictions are beginning to lift you may be wondering what it is you can do with your business and how you can start to move it forward. The last few months may have been difficult for you when it comes to making money and you may have had to diversify in order to survive. But now you can start to reprogram your business and move forward. But how can you do this in the right way? Here are some of the things to think about.

Business Networking Tip - I Forgot

Lately my concentration has been off. I find that I am forgetting to do things and that really bothers me. I received an email from a person asking about my networking events. We spoke by phone and agreed that the events were not a match for them. Two days later I emailed them asking if they were still interested. Luckily, they just laughed and reminded me that we had already spoken, but I still looked bad for forgetting. I know this happens to the best of us from time to time, especially when we are overextended, and that it will get better. However, I do know of people who use their forgetfulness as an excuse.

Business Networking Tip - Networking Dilemma – What Should I Do

Last week I was scrolling social media and I saw a resume for a person that I happen to know very casually. When I looked at it, I said to myself ‘you should share their resume’. However, I must admit there was a part of me that was hesitant because I have reached out to this person many times about my networking group and very rarely have they ever responded to me. There was a part of me that said ‘you do not owe them any favors’.