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Spectre and Meltdown computer flaws - what to do

Kevin Willett says to try and take the negatives and turn them into something you can use positively.

One of my biggest weaknesses is that I cannot accept criticism. I take it way too personally. A while ago I spoke to a group of twenty people about business networking, 19 of them loved it, and one disliked it. Of course I focused on the one person who didn’t like it. I know doing that is silly, but I simply cannot help myself. I think it is important to consider the criticism that you hear and ask yourself if you can learn from it. In some cases you can. But most of the time the…

Kevin Willett says that when you have an opportunity, you should take it.

I have been using a networking app that is very similar to a dating app to grow my network.  Every day the app shows me 20 people that I can network with. If we both say we want to meet, then the app sends us a message telling us that we are a match. I will then reach out to the person saying I would love to chat with them by phone to learn how I can help them. Sadly, many people never respond and simply let the opportunity to connect pass by, which defeats the purpose of using the app.

I also see…

Kevin Willett says it is best to take emotion out of decisions

One of the things I struggle with is saying no to people or opportunities. I feel like I am letting them down when I tell them I cannot help them. Some days you may just be maxed out on time and cannot help. Other times the opportunity may not be ideal for you. I have learned to deal with this situation by asking myself one simple question. Will saying yes to this opportunity help me reach my business goals? If the answer is yes, I find time to do it and if the answer is no, then I decline the opportunity. I find this…

I had today off. I went on a day trip with my Wife and Mother-in-Law and had some fun. In the past, I never would have thought of taking days off, because like most people, I listened to the gurus. They tell us that we have to hustle and grind and work all the time to be successful. I have learned the hard way that there is a time to work hard, but you need to find balance in your life and make time for family and friends. We let relationships slip because we think there will be time later to have fun, once we are successful and reach our goals. But sadly that is not always true. There was…

When someone takes the time to comment on my videos I try my best to send them a message thanking them and asking if there is anything I can do to help them.  Last week I thanked a woman from New York City and when I asked her how I could help, she said she needed help finding a job. Now it would have been super easy to say ‘I am sorry but I don’t know anyone in New York City’. Instead I said lets schedule a call to see what we can do. During the call she told me that she is starting a business to help people impacted by cancer. She told me her story about being a survivor. We spent…

Will Murphy is CO-Founder and COO of Everlasting Capital Corporation. Everlasting Capital Corporation is a national business finance solutions provider, redefining lending and financing by consistently providing outstanding customer experiences and innovative, world-class services. They offer numerous fast and cost effective solutions for all types of businesses and work very hard for you and your business whether you have bad credit, no credit, great credit or you just started your business. Will and his team have a burning desire to prove…

Last week I was speaking to one of my friends and he told me that one of the struggles he has, as a small business owner, is staying motivated and doing the daily marketing tasks that he knows he has to do to be successful.

I think most people can relate to this comment. Often I see my friends get discouraged because their marketing efforts are not producing the results that they want, so they give up. In other cases their efforts are working and they become busy, so they stop marketing themselves and then of course their business slows down.

The goal of the group is to…

Kevin Willett says not to dismiss those you think can’t help you.

Lately I have seen many people attend networking events without their business cards. I have had a few people say to me that they don’t bring cards anymore because they want to control who they give their cards to. They don’t want to waste time talking to people they don’t want to network with. I really think this strategy is a mistake because you never know where you next referral is coming from. If you refuse to give your contact information to someone, then how can they contact you? Please understand that…

I have a friend who is new to his job in sales and he was getting discouraged because sales were not coming as quickly as he hoped. Last month all of his hard worked paid off and he was able to close on a number of deals. I am really proud of him for not giving up. He kept attending events and building relationships.

I see many people get frustrated and give up too soon because sales and entrepreneurship are really hard. If you are tempted to give up, please send me a message so that we can talk about your business to see if I can help you.

Please understand that I will be…