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Business Networking Tip - The Difference Between No Problem and You’re Welcome

Last week I posted a video reminding people to say please and thank you. I had someone post a comment saying please remember there is a difference between you’re welcome and no problem. When I first saw this comment, I thought “it is just semantics” it’s no big deal. But after I thought about it for a bit, I realized that there is a big difference between the two.

Business Networking Tip - What to Wear and Not Wear for Your Profile Pictures

Kevin Willett says you should make sure you are sending the right and professional message with your profile pictures

Last week my friend posted a question on social media asking if it was ok to wear sunglasses in your profile picture. For me the answer is a strong no. Some people felt it was ok for a Facebook profile picture and others said it makes them feel like the person has something to hide if they are wearing sunglasses.

Business Networking Tip - I Forgot Your Name

Kevin Willett says remembering someone’s name is a sign of respect and a courtesy.

People often ask me what you should do if you forget someone’s name. I always smile and say I have two strategies. First, if I am standing near someone else, I will introduce them to that person and hope they say their own name so I don’t have to admit that I forgot it. Of course this only works if they say hello my name is Kevin. You can always just be honest and say “I am sorry; I know we have met but I don’t recall your name.” Most people will smile and forgive you.

Business Networking Tip - Are You Adding Value to Your Connections?

Kevin Willett says just a few minutes of your time may pay benefits for years.

I have learned that the best way to stand out at a networking event is to try to add value to every person I meet by offering to introduce them to someone I know or by sharing knowledge I have that they may benefit from.  I have been able to build some great relationships by focusing on helping the person rather than trying to sell them anything.

Here are a few additional things you can do after the event to add value:

Business Networking Tip - Be Aware of Cool Kid Syndrome

Kevin Willett says it’s not cool to be disrespectful

Have you ever been at a networking event and the person you are talking to is scanning the room to see who else is there? Have you ever had someone interrupt you in the middle of your conversation to go speak to someone else? I call this Cool Kid Syndrome. Sometimes people will only speak to you until someone cooler comes along. Please don’t do this! It is very disrespectful and it will hurt your brand.  Nobody likes to fee disrespected or uncool.

Business Networking Tip - Do They Need My Services?

Kevin Willett reminds you not to take a narrow view on networking.

Last week I invited a person to attend my networking events because there were a few people attending that particular event, that work in his industry, who I thought would be good contacts for him. He responded by asking me if they needed his services? I said I am not sure and there is no way to know until you meet them. I reminded him that just because they are in your industry doesn’t mean they will absolutely choose to do business with you. You need to build a relationship with them.