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For most business owners, the truth is going to be that most of your time and money is going to be tied up in running your business. However, in order to secure your future and make sure you have some financial protection in the event of things going south, you want to diversify where your money is tied up. Here, we’re going to look at where you might want to consider investing outside of your own business.


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If you own or rent an office, keeping it secure should be a priority. If equipment or information is stolen/damaged, it could have costly repercussions. 

Most people know the basics of office security, but some threats can be overlooked. Below are a few questions you may want to ask yourself to determine just how secure your office really…

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If you own or rent an office, keeping it secure should be a priority. If equipment or information is stolen/damaged, it could have costly repercussions. 

Most people know the basics of office security, but some threats can be overlooked. Below are a few questions you may want to ask yourself to determine just how secure your office really…

A water treatment business might not sound like the most exciting business to start but it can be incredibly lucrative. Everybody needs to drink water and there are a number of different types of business you can start if you set up for water purification. You could open a franchise with an existing water treatment company that supplies peoples homes but you could also consider a bottled water company. 


Define very specific business and personal goals and then achieve these goals with regularly structured mastermind sessions. New Goal setting and Accountability Group Program with Max Ward and Virginia Crocker Timmons. Deadline for registering is May 11th at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/achievement-through-group-coaching-tickets-147787356963


To succeed in business, you have to be able to stand out. Every company is competing against rivals to secure new customers and keep hold of existing clients. In this guide, we’ll explore some effective steps you can take to make your brand more memorable. 


Original marketing campaigns

Many of us consume all kinds of marketing materials on a daily basis. We watch TV, we listen to the radio, we drive past billboards, we read newspapers and magazines and we see posters and flyers as we walk around town. Some campaigns will entice and lure us in and leave us wanting…

There are many reasons why becoming self-employed is an appealing prospect. Not only does it give you the freedom to pursue your own interests, but it gives you the chance to choose your own hours and be your own boss. But when you work for yourself, you take on a lot more responsibility for your finances and your future - which can take some getting used to. 

While it’s important to build an income for yourself and get some steady clients, you also need to prioritize your future and make some plans to ensure you’ll have an income waiting for you when you retire. 

Here are…


Joyce Contract Interiors (JCI) was founded in 1990 by Dan Joyce, whose vision was a dealership that you can rely on and trust. Dan wanted to own and run a company that does what it says it will do – deliver on time and within budget.

Well known for exemplary customer service, client satisfaction, and loyalty. Joyce Contract Interiors' final work proves their company mission: to establish mutually beneficial long-…

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There’s nothing more soul-destroying than working hard on a project, delivering it on time, meeting all the deliverables, and then not getting paid. It feels like a punch to the solar plexus and can leave you reeling for weeks. 


Worse still, though, it can actually harm your business’s bottom line, especially if you…

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When running a small business, it’s exceedingly important to make sure that you’re operating as efficiently as you can. When we have such tight budgets and such close deliverable timelines, it’s hard to carry dead weight. This is why it’s often ill-advised to hire family and friends when starting a small business, as the sharp edge you…