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business growth

Business Networking Tip - Thank God You Are Not Me

I really love doing videos for my business. I have been able to grow my business through posting business networking tips via videos on YouTube and Facebook Live. I am always encouraging people I meet to do videos, but I have realized this may not be great advice.

I was having coffee with a friend and I was pushing her to do videos to promote herself. She smiled and said the thought of doing videos made her physically sick. Its ok if you feel that way and think that videos are absolutely not for you. There are lots of ways to grow your business. You simply must find the ones that work for you.

Business Networking Tip - It Takes Time To Build Your Dream

I had someone call me the other day because a friend of theirs said they should speak to me about my networking events. This person says to me “Just to be clear, I have tried events in the past and have never received even one referral from the people at the event.” When she said this I just chuckled. I hear this comment a lot and my response is always the same; How many of those people did you do business with or try to help out? The answer is typically none or maybe one of them. So why did you expect them ALL to do business with you?

Business Networking Tip - The Ups and Downs of Being an Entrepreneur


Yesterday afternoon I was super cranky because I did not hit my goals for the month. When this happens, you need to pause and analyze why it happened, so that you can adjust your plan to grow your business. In some cases, you may not have hit your goals because you simply did not put in the work, and in other cases sometimes things happen that are beyond your control. You simply must analyze the situation, learn from it and move on. Same rules apply when you have a great month, analyze the situation, learn from it and move on. Do not let one bad month derail your business. You need to stay focused and work towards your goals.

Business Networking Tip - Please Do Not Be Mad At Me

I received an email this weekend from a person asking to meet me for coffee. When I told him that I could meet him in about six weeks, he emailed me back saying that if I didn’t want to meet him, I should just say so and not lie to him about my schedule being so full. I then made it worse and told him that if he wanted to talk sooner then we could schedule a video chat. Sadly, that just made it worse. His response was ‘what are you too important to meet me in person’?

Business Networking Tip - It Is Time to Leave Your Tribe

Kevin Willett says expanding your affiliations increases the reach of you business

I meet a lot of people who only belong to one networking group. When I ask them why they haven’t tried other groups, they usually say things like “I feel safe where I am”, or “I am comfortable there”. That is OK, but I think you are missing a chance to grow as a person and as an entrepreneur.