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Sometimes, it’s for the very best to face something that makes you feel uncomfortable, and sometimes, that subject just might be your own marketing. Oh yes, you read that right; this subject has probably made you cringe at least once in your life. Yep, we've all been there, scrolling…


June 16, 2024

When your child turns 18, they’re legally considered an adult even though they have a lot more growing to do (though they may not think so!). Just like any other adult, their health and financial information is protected by privacy laws. But unlike any other adult, that’s still your child and you want to be there to support them in a crisis. Unless you’ve planned ahead you…



Investing in property can be highly lucrative if you know what you’re doing. As a beginner, it’s vital that you do your research to ensure you avoid making any mistakes. There’s a lot to learn before you make your first purchase but you’ve come to the right place.


Before you…

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Your business needs help to succeed sometimes. Sometimes the things that you are doing are simply not enough, and there are other times where you will be doing great. If you are at the point where you aren’t doing well, then you need to work out how you can give your…

An efficient workplace is a productive one. While everyone has a different idea and opinion on what makes something efficient or not, there are a couple of things that can make an impact in most places of business. Keep reading to learn more about how you enact proactive changes for efficiency today.


Ever feel like you can’t wrap your head around financial matters? It’s a common issue in modern society, with many people only grasping the basics of handling their money. But that just won’t do. You don’t need a financial degree to understand money management, and you shouldn’t ever feel alienated from your own bank account. 


From making money through investments to saving in a sustainable way, there’s a lot you can do without being an expert at it. Here are a few ways to bolster your confidence and make financial wellness a goal well within your reach. 



Photo by energepic.com


When you run any type of business you're going to need customers and the only way to make sure that customers keep coming to your business is by instilling a sense of confidence in them. 


Of course, you need to make sure that you have what they need…

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When you’re networking, you need to remember that you’re not just there to collect fancy hors d'oeuvres; you’re there to collect contacts, and that means you need to do your best to leave a lasting impression! But, just how do you ensure you’re memorable for all the right…


Happy 603 Day! Today, we celebrate all the things that make New Hampshire so special. From the majestic White Mountains to the picturesque seacoast, our state is brimming with natural beauty and rich history. As we reflect on what makes our home unique, let's take a moment to appreciate the many reasons why we love New…

Should you consider a PEO Cost Reduction?

You’ve added employees with new job descriptions Your company has grown or expanded into several states Payroll is unpredictable – commissions, bonuses, OT Your PEO bundles pricing or does % of payroll fees Your admin costs have gone way up You have not shopped the market within 2 years

All PEO customers should regularly shop (at least every 2 years) to assess your pricing and compare it to other options. We make this task quick and easy. Best of all, customers only pay us if we successfully lower their costs with their existing…